Working Together to Close The Gap

The Tamworth Coalition of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations is a local Partnership Agreement between 7 leading Aboriginal organisations. It has been established through the National and State Closing the Gap initiative and aims to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living within the Tamworth LGA.
TACCO MemberAboriginal flagsKids Watching cultural program
Ladies selfie Aboriginal flagsYoung Aboriginal baby and mother
TACCO logo

Tamworth Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations

Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations that are signatories of the TACCO Placed Based Partnership discuss, share and exchange information and resources to foster a collaborative, solutions based approach to community concerns.

A Joint Commitment to a Common Goal


The Coalition jointly commit to supporting and fostering the social, economic, and cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living locally. The Coalition will achieve this through the provision of demonstrated leadership on key issues, mutual respect and trust.

We will advocate and work collaboratively with all levels of Government to ensure stronger community involvement in the development, guidance and implementation of strategies to effect change.

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Closing the Gap

Aboriginal Flag

Closing the Gap is a Government-led initiative aimed at reducing the socio-economic disparities that have been proven to exist between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians. It comprises of 17 identified Socio-economic Targets and 5 Priority Reform Areas.

Closing the Gap will transform the way Governments work with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to deliver outcomes based on community need and desire and upholding First Nations autonomy and self-determination.

TACCO has been specifically implemented to address the needs of Tamworth’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as  required under Priority Reform One - Formal Partnerships and Shared Decision-Making.

TACCO ensures that authentic inclusion occurs for all programs and initiatives under its banner, from concept, to planning, design & development.

By using a community driven and localised approach the needs and desires of our community will be addressed as they align with the Government’s 17 identified Socio-Economic Targets and 5 Priority Reforms.


Bringing together Aboriginal Organisations for the common goal of achieving better outcomes for local Aboriginal people.


Providing expertise and advice to those policies, programs or planning processes that impact Aboriginal communities locally.


Providing a representative voice for the Aboriginal communities of Tamworth.


Providing a collective oversight of those policies, programs and planning processes that impact Aboriginal communities within the Tamworth LGA.


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0439 764 062
Our Service Area
Tamworth Local Government Area
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