Closing the Gap

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The Tamworth Coalition of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations is a local Partnership Agreement between 7 leading Aboriginal organisations.

It has been established through the National and State Closing the Gap initiative and aims to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living within the Tamworth LGA.
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TACCO logo

Tamworth Coalition of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (T.A.C.C.O)

TACCO is a place-based partnership under the Closing the Gap initiative and has been implemented for the benefit of Aboriginal communities living in the Tamworth LGA.

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History of Closing the Gap Initiative

In 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) pledged to collaboratively address Indigenous disadvantage through the Closing the Gap initiative. This commitment resulted in the establishment of the

National Indigenous Reform Agreement (NIRA), featuring a comprehensive strategy that outlines specific targets to reduce the disparities in life outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians.

The strategy aimed to achieve these targets by allocating funds for new programs and services, enhancing reporting requirements, and establishing government accountability mechanisms to monitor progress.

While some input from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals contributed to the policy and associated programs, there was never full ownership by our people and representatives. Although welcomed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership, the initiative was viewed as a government-driven effort.

The lack of meaningful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices in the Closing the Gap initiative may have contributed to a 'deficit approach' to closing the gap, focusing on shortcomings rather than leveraging strengths like culture and connection to country in setting targets and programs.

The realisation of Closing the Gap targets faced setbacks, attributed to incomplete implementation, insufficient collaboration among governments, a lack of sustained funding, and inadequate community involvement. These factors collectively contributed to the disappointing progress in achieving the outlined objectives.


Closing the Gap Now

In July 2020, a new approach to closing the gap was formalised, a National Agreement where governments work in partnership with Aboriginal community-controlled organisations to achieve meaningful and measurable change.

This new strategy is rooted in the priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, structured around four Priority Reforms that aim to reshape the government's approach in collaboration with Indigenous communities, with the aim of accelerating improvement.

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The National Agreement aims to enhance life opportunities and the overall wellbeing of Indigenous people, including aspects of physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual health. With five Priority Reforms altering the government's approach, it includes 17 socioeconomic outcome targets covering education, employment, health, justice, safety, housing, land, waters, languages, and digital inclusion.

The agreement encourages shared responsibility with frequent, independent reporting to monitor progress and ensure accountability for fulfilling the commitments.

For the first time, the National Agreement on Closing the Gap establishes a collaborative effort between all levels of government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations. This joint responsibility increases the potential for achieving the outlined targets, and the incorporation of frequent, independent reporting mechanisms adds transparency and accountability to the commitment's delivery.

Through the reforms, the agreement aims to transform the dynamics between the government and Indigenous communities, promoting a holistic approach to socioeconomic advancement and bridging the gaps in equality.

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0439 764 062
Our Service Area
Tamworth Local Government Area
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